Life happens – as you all know too well, I’m sure – and what little time I am able to spend online in this moment is largely dedicated to our collabrative blog, “Into the Bardo,” where lots of exciting things are happening. I’ll be back here within the next two weeks. Meanwhile, this reblog of “Bardo News” provides an overview of events, including some in which you might want to participate. Hope to see you there. Poem on … P.S.: It’s not for women only.

The BeZine

sllwomanreverseVia contributing poet and good friend to Bardo, Myra Schneider for Second Light Network of Women Poets: AN INVITATION TO WOMEN POETS TO SUBMIT TO A MAJOR NEW ANTHOLOGY FUNDED BY THE ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND and open to contributions from any women anywhere in the world …

The Second Light Network of Women Poets have recently received Arts Council funding to bring out an anthology of poetry by women poets. It will be calledWings of Glass. The book will focus on ambitious writing and be published next autumn 2014 and launched at the Second Light Festival in central London in late November. The editors are Penelope ShuttleMyra Schneider and Dilys Wood. Submissions will be accepted between 15th November and 15th January. Please see full details for submitting :

51rk8frRwfL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Her Wings of Glass (the title a quotation from Sylvia Plath) is to be…

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