dusk has fallen
near bereft of light
much to sorrow for
but not the night

– Jamie Dedes

“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” Sarah Williams, From The Old Astronomer (To His  Pupil)


How do YOU generally receive the night? With joy, reluctance or fear? Do you sleep well or not? Tell us in poem or prose. If you would feel comfortable doing so, please put a link to your  response in the comments section below – or, if the work is short enough – just include it there that we might all enjoy it.  Responses to Wednesday Writing Prompts are published here on the following Tuesday.


This week’s recommened read.

THE WORDPLAY SHOP, recommened books, tools and supplies for poets, writers and readersis a natural extension in support of this site and its mission to champion poets and writers and to broaden and to expand and continue to offer resources and inspiration, including information on opportunities for poets and writers.



  1. Peaceful is your presence
    Like losing oneself
    In embrace of peace itself
    Losing self awareness
    for some certain moments
    Turning away from worries
    Frictions and tensions
    That won’t leave wakeful mind.
    Who says you invoke only
    Fear, terror and darkness.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. nightie night

    shutter lids o halfanearth
    shadow has your number.
    cue the creatures oer your girth
    batten down n slumber.
    slow the breathing ebb the sway
    as the starscapes twinkle
    and the dreams come out to play
    and the brows unwrinkle.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hi Jamie, my submission this week is called

    Tbe Elephantquake

    Elephantquake bossed a vast forest.
    no rain, all lakes, tanks, ponds,
    water holes arid. It thirsts
    It searched for water.

    It knows of a hidden lake
    always full and goes there
    to save itself. After five nights
    it revelled and splashed in the lake.

    Daily it marched upon moonhares,
    maimed and wounded them,
    on its route to the lake.

    One day moonhares met
    to save themselves
    from the elephantquake
    Some said “Abandon this place.”

    Others “It’s our ancient home.
    Let’s find an alternative.
    Let’s see if we can scare off
    rampage of elephantquake.”

    Some of them said, “We know
    of a trick that works
    with elephantquake.
    we need a sharp person.

    A moonhare has a message
    for elephantquake. It says
    “I come from Moon who doesn’t
    want you supping lake as bound

    there you kills and maim hundreds
    of hares. Lake is forbidden.
    Return to your forest home.
    “But where’s this Moon, your home? asks

    elephantquake “In this lake.
    It consoles the survivors
    of your rampage.” “Then, let me see him,” requests the elephantquake.

    “Come alone with me, I will
    show you.” Moonhare takes it one
    night to shows Moon’s silvery
    reflection in the lake, says

    “Here it is, my home, the Moon.
    Lost in meditation.
    Move quietly, salute it.
    Don’t disturb it and bring wrath.”

    Elephantquake sees it as real,
    salutes it, leaves quietly,
    returns to its forest home.
    Hares heave sigh in relief.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Thanks Jamie. Here is my response this week.

    . vanta black .

    ‘ is dark at night, i lay here looking’


    ‘ not totally black though,

    i like the greys and shadow.

    i like when the cars go by,

    the lights go across the walls’


    ‘ i do not think i will like very black,

    not vantablack like anish kapoor’

    said the bear quietly.

    it is alright to say so.


    Liked by 3 people

Thank you!