have you noticed the many qualities of the night,
the way it can inspire a sudden sense of fantasy,
coming on to you like a dandy, cheeky and strutting

it temps you to pluck its gaudy sequins and string
them into garland or maybe take its hand to skate
across the glass moon or to twirl on the lunatic edge
and the cusp of intuition: oh! the depth of knowing

the night winds leave you breathless; and have you
seen how quiet meditations on midnight hues illuminate
the book of your life like the gold and jewel colors
of a medieval manuscript, moving you page by page

with the fluid movement of an arabesque or the sweet
heat of a lover’s fingers sketching secrets on your heart,
sharing messages like old souls tend to do; then,
in a sudden burst of starlight, you understand

your story, your sunburned days, your hours steeped
in night visions when the questions are answered and
you know why: why the glass moon is sky crazy,
why the distant stars are radiant, and why you are you

© 2017 Jamie Dedes, All rights reserved 

a poem from around 2013, rewritten



      1. Jamiе, I admire your vision and concept! But it seems that most authors prefer the comments. And we remain lonely.

        Olive Oil

        Can I make love with you
        calmly like a waterfall,
        a moon wrought in live coals
        between the palms of Gypsies.
        Moon – in my bed
        the olives are blooming.
        And behind the door – a shadow.

        Liked by 1 person

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