god’s of our making, a poem … and your Wednesday Writing Prompt

we have need of gods
an ancient irony
like blood that needs heat
to sweat out the mysteries
to rage in revenge
to reconcile sacrifice
to repel condemnation
to simmer our gratitude
for the many wonders
as misunderstood
as all the horrors

relieve us we pray
in our righteous moments
from the sins of others
their guns, their bombs
their swords of hate
lives and livelihoods cut short
in genocides renamed –
semantics play large
in wars of loathing and
vile justifications

relieve us we pray
from children killing children
from executions in the street
from brothers killing brothers
from sisters unleashed
like the dogs of war
like a belly full of cancer
like an aorta swelling

our gods cry ‘havoc’
in traps set by rulers
by teachers at schools
and in places of worship
by parents at dinner table

our legs immobilized
like wolves ensnared, we chew off our feet
attempts at freedom cripple and break us

and everywhere
mouthing lies
groaning in denial
bowing to gutter rats
scraping to vultures
the false gods of our making

© 2012, poem, Jamie Dedes, All rights reserved 


How is it, why is it, when is it that we bow to gutter rates, scrap before vultures, worship gods made in our own feeble image?  If you feel comfortable, share you poem in the comments section below or via a link. All work shared on theme will be published here next Tuesday. You are welcome – encouraged – to participate no matter the status of your career: beginner, emerging or pro. You have until Monday evening at 8:30 PST to respond.